Daniel McGuire | Clinical Psychologist | MPsych (Clin), BA Psych (Hons)

Daniel McGuire | Clinical Psychologist | MPsych (Clin), BA Psych (Hons)

How we can help

Depression & Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are the most common of all mental health issues. Many people are currently either depressed and or anxious however are just not aware of what they are feeling or going through.

Often depression and anxiety are related or intertwined. Its also possible that an individual can be suffering from both depression and anxiety.

Depression is much more than just low mood or lack of motivation. It’s a much more serious condition and illness. Depression can be crippling. If not treated, depression can turn into suicidal thoughts and actions.

While we all feel sad, moody or low on occasion, some people experience these feelings much more intensely, for longer periods of time and often without cause or trigger.

People with depression find it difficult to function and complete simple everyday tasks and may be reluctant to participate in activities they once very much enjoyed.

Anxiety is potentially caused by a number of factors including environmental factors and psychological factors, for example needs not being met, not living up to your potential, substance abuse, or a combination of these factors.

Often people confuse depression or anxiety with stress. Stress is a normal reaction to a challenging situation where a person feels under pressure. For example, it’s common for people to feel stressed or uptight when meeting work deadlines, having an interview or speaking in front of a group of people. For some people these feelings are ongoing or continue after the stressful event has passed. This is anxiety not stress.

Usually anxiety is a response to outside forces, however it is possible that we make ourselves anxious with negative self-talk, always telling ourselves the worst will happen or being difficult and always going against the grain.

Common behaviour associated with depression and anxiety include: